MLB/ Dodgers play an entire game without striking out once for the first time since 2006_sundyz
MLB/ Dodgers play an entire game without striking out once for the first time since 2006
April 30,sundyz 2024 at 15:55 JST
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Los Angeles Dodgers' Shohei Ohtani (17) walks to the dugout after scoring on a ground rule double hit by Teoscar Hernández during the fifth inning of a baseball game against the Arizona Diamondbacks, April 29, 2024, in Phoenix. (AP Photo)
PHOENIX--The Los Angeles Dodgers’ powerful offense that includes Mookie Betts, Shohei Ohtani and Freddie Freeman isn’t used to putting zeros on the scoreboard.
They’re just fine with one that occurred Monday night.
The Dodgers played an entire game without striking out once in their 8-4 win over the Arizona Diamondbacks, which is the first time the franchise played a full game without a punchout since 2006.
“A lot of competitive at-bats,” Dodgers manager Dave Roberts said. “Eighteen years — we’ve seen a lot of baseball games since that’s happened. I just think you’ve got to give the players all the credit for winning pitches and fighting to move the ball forward.”
Los Angeles has won seven of its past eight.
The Dodgers had 44 plate appearances without a strikeout. The D-backs threw Tommy Henry, Andrew Saalfrank, Scott McGough, Logan Allen and Justin Martinez, who walked eight.
Henry took the loss, giving up two runs over four innings.
“Their game plan was to be really aggressive,” Henry said. “Felt like there was a lot of early contact. Anything in the zone early, they were hacking at and they’re good hitters. They were putting barrels on them.”
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